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Life at Huspy with Daniel Martins

Have you ever dreamt of working on a revolutionary product that's shaking up the Real Estate landscape across EMEA? Meet Daniel, our Engineering Manager based in Madrid who's leading the charge!

Daniel brings a wealth of experience from the Brazilian startup scene, and he's now applying his expertise to build the foundation of Huspy's innovative real estate business unit. But that's not all - Daniel's also passionate about building a strong engineering team and fostering a culture of mentorship and growth. Want to know what it's like to work with Daniel and potentially join his team? Keep reading!

How would you explain your role to your parents?

I'm part of a team that builds technology to make buying and selling homes easier. Think of me as a builder, but instead of physical houses, I work on digital tools that help people find, buy, and sell properties more easily.

What does the Real Estate Engineering Team look like at Huspy?

Our team is a mixed bunch of problem solvers and creators. We have software engineers, data experts, project leaders, and design specialists all working together. Our goal is to make buying and selling homes as easy and clear as possible.

Why did you decide  to join the Huspy rocketship?

I was attracted to Huspy because of its potential for growth and the chance to change the real estate industry. Getting in when the company was just starting to grow fast offered a unique challenge I was excited to take on.

What is your favorite team ritual at Huspy?

I really look forward to our Monday meetings every week. It's more than just a meeting; it's a time when we all catch up. Short, focusing on the results and insights about what is next. It brings us closer together and keeps us focused.

What’s your team currently building?

We're working on making the experience better for agents, buyers, and sellers using new technology and trying out new ideas.We're creating new tools and features to make the home-buying process clearer, faster, and more friendly. We're also starting a special team in Spain focused on new ideas to take Huspy to the next level.

You’re hiring for your team right now. What kind of people are you looking for? What is a crucial factor for you while hiring?

We're looking for creative and motivated people who want to make a difference in the real estate market. The most important thing for us is finding people with the right technical skills who can also adapt quickly to changes. We appreciate team members who are keen to learn, help out, and grow with us.

What achievement are you most proud of from your time at Huspy so far?

My proudest moment has been seeing how our team's way of thinking about engineering has changed. Being part of this move towards more creativity, quick action, and ongoing improvement has been very rewarding. It's about more than just the projects we've finished, it's about how we've changed our approach to tackling challenges and adding value. I'm excited for the future and believe the best is yet to come.

How do you envision the future of your Engineering function at Huspy?

I see our engineering team becoming a center of innovation, constantly advancing the technology in real estate. We aim to lead in creating straightforward, advanced solutions that not just meet but predict what home buyers and sellers need. Our efforts will make dealing with real estate easier, clearer, and more efficient for everyone.

Describe Huspy in three words.

Innovative, dynamic, transformative.

Written by People Team

Published on 24 April 2024

Home buying made simple

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